3 Amazing Quotes from Pastors that Changed My Life

Has someone ever said something that dramatically affected your life? I bet you can think of an exact moment, where someone you knew said something that shook your world. I have experienced this more times in my life than I can remember, but here are 3 amazing quotes from pastors that changed my life.

3.) “It’s not about who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve done, or even what’s been done to you.” – Pastor John Fuller (Prairie lakes Church)

This quote is more or less the foundation of Prairie lakes Church in Iowa. They believe that all have sinned and it does not take being perfect to have a relationship with God, but understanding that without God, we are broken, and cannot be fixed. That is how simple a relationship with God is.

2.) “Looking ahead toward eternity, your struggles are nothing more than frost from a breath on a cold window…” Pastor Colin Smith (The Orchard Evangelical Free Church)

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I actually just heard this quote the day before posting this, so it is still very prevalent in my mind and heart. For a long time, I have struggled with giving God control of my life, and I did not really understand what that looked like. Recently, I discovered that it meant only taking control of how I act and react, and leaving the rest to Him.

That is as much control as anyone has over their life. God’s got the rest. This revelation has changed my perspective, and now when I am moving through tougher times, I find myself more at peace with my current situation.

1.) “Jesus Christ saves by grace, through faith.” (Pastor Trevor Nunn, Faith Bible Church)

This is a fundamental lesson in the Bible, and to many is considered common knowledge.

One must be careful, however, as some believe that it additionally takes works or good deeds to reach Heaven. This is false. If it took both faith and works, how would one know they are saved? They know they are just that good? It’s like writing a paper or taking an exam. You do your best and you do not know how you do until you get your score back (or stand in front of Christ after you pass away).

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More evidence of this is on the day Christ was put to death. There were two criminals on crosses on either side of Jesus. At first, “the rebels who were crucified with him also heaped insults on him.” – Matthew 27:44. Then a few verses later, maybe a few minutes in real time,  it clicked for one of the criminals and he rebuked the other and exclaimed, “Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!” And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.” – Luke 23:42 & 43.

Now, what does this have to do with being saved by grace, through faith? The only thing that the criminal could do at that moment was believe and have faith. He was hung on a cross, his hands could not move and do works. His feet could not walk to help spread the word of God. The criminal received glorification by faith alone.

Has anyone said something to you that has stuck with you? Share it below, you never know who may see it, and the effect it may have on them.

Thank you for reading!

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